Saturday, 13 September 2008

A Rune a day...

Keeps the bad vibes away! Well, that's what I try and think!
So, here goes, my first post of many I hope. I did want to keep it as a 'Rune Only' blog but, knowing me and knowing how hard I find it to stay on track, I think this will not be adhered to!

Anyway, with that in mind I blog on, starting of on the right foot, trying to get back into me Runes, trying to stir a bit of creativity in this melting pot of a brain of mine and ultimately trying to find some focus and generate a little bit of fun along the way! Yes, Runes should be taken seriously and yes, there is a responsibility when interpreting the Runes and how they can give you clarity, focus and a deep sense of meaning. BUT I am also not one for getting all 'Ah, this is the way you should do it otherwise you aren't truly a Rune master' - I have always been one that hated exclusivity, everyone should feel welcomed, everyone who is interested in Runes (or anything for that matter!) should feel inspired and feel that they DO have the ability to tap into this power. I mean if I, a common garden fairy, who wears odd socks and woolly hats, from the cultural wastelands of the North West can do this and ENJOY it, so can you!

A stream of Consciousness...
So, I am trying to learn my OWN interpretations of the Runes and to kick start this I made a promise to myself to start the day with writing a stream of consciousness - the first thing that comes to mind without actually thinking about it. Note easy for me, unless it has a structure or framework I sometimes have great difficulty! But I tried! And it worked, straight after doing this I did my Rune a Day and then wrote a 'stream of consciousness' about this BEFORE reading the 'official ' meaning.. So here goes, I bare my soul (and terrible writings) to you all (or maybe to you both reading..or none of you!)... My stream of consciousness before rune related tinkerings..
Self reflective, reflexive clear water,
Cat on the mat, green eyes clear,
Spoon fed salmon and peas, wanting more,
But not the rabbit...
Winter's coat comes and goes,
Waxes wanes and spreads to seed.
The cold night, dark light,
Bells that tinkle and an earthy sight.

Hmmm so there yer go, have a go yourself and see what you come up with. The only rule is...don't think about what you are writing, just write, even if you think it's nonsense something may come out of it!

The Rune of The Day...An alternative approach and meaning..
So, with that in mind I delved in and chose a Rune for the day after my er, creative exercise. The rune I chose was...
Eihwaz (pronounced Eyewaz) The 13th Rune.
Now as tempting as it was to check my books and see what the 'experts' say, I decided, time had gone on long enough and I had done enough now to try and decide for myself, see what I remembered and what I thought the Rune meant to me. So, with my stream of consciousness mind still in full flow (scary I know!) I just went with it. The waffle I came out with was thus.....

" A rune to overcome odds, to find a warrior within, to defend bad vibes and survive attacks. To defeat those bloody gremlins that nip at your ankles until your feet fall off, a rune of hope and protection of strength to overcome these things and more. A rune that says 'Fuck it!*, I am going to trample over these bloody barriers, knock them out of the way and climb that bloody hill covered in ice, get to the top and say "There yer go yer bastard* , I, we did it!!' Thanks Eiwaz."
* Sorry for the language, that's just how I wrote it at the time..I must have forgotten to take of the 'rant mode' when the stream began to flow....

So, for those those that know the 'true' meaning of Eiwaz and are rolling your eyes at me (and I don't blame you!), please bare in mind this was a stream of consciousness. For those not aware, meanings giving to the Rune include;

The Yew Tree (Yggdrasil - The World Tree)
The Divine
Protection from attack
Defense (Representative of The Archer and the bow)
Achievable goals

So with that in mind, and my little stream of ranting, I suppose I wasn't that far away. And if anything to come out of this, I have at least now started to remember and recognise the Rune more effectively when casting! So I do think I shall try and do this exercise each day, think for myself before actually consulting the books and see what turns up!
Until next time may you be blessed with Eiwaz and it's powers!!!!




Kitty said...

"wanting more,
But not the rabbit..."

Ooer Missus ;-)

Hello Lovely ... it's soooo good to see you back blogging. I have missed you at Blogger, very much. Perhaps one day soon(ish) I will get that book on Runes, and even a set, and start to see if they hold 'meaning' for me. As you know, I'm in touch with the planets, and the Tarot - never tried the Runes.

Anyway - just wanted to say 'Welcome back' and give you a big old 'mwahhhhh'. xxxx

Lily-Wren said...

Ahhh thanks for the kitty kiss! I am kind of the same with the Tarot, I even went so far as buying a beautiful 'DruidCraft Tarot' set which did inspire a little, but the Rune just feel more 'me'. Maybe that's you with the Tarot, you have found 'yours'.

I will look into the tarot again really soon, but for now I am just enjoying the Runes again... life kind of gets in the way doesn't it sometimes? I know it shouldn't so am now trying to set aside at least 15 minutes a day of the creative doodah blurb and encorporate my Rune 'pratice' into that and it seems to work so far...

Haha...the rabbit i think may relate to Lucy and her dislike of rabbit cat food methinks...!

mwahhhhh! back